Monday, July 02, 2007

I hate phony blogs. Phony writing. Phony anything for that matter. But that don't include sequels. As long as they're creative that is. Creativity makes the world go hyperbolic, not round.

I hate blogs written with a tone of superiority; as if the author (Who creates a blog anyway?Is it an author, a writer or a blogger? I'm new to this thing.) just discovered the panacea to all ills and is, at a great inconvenience, proceeding to share the truths to great recondite questions from his esoteric knowledge with us. That just screams "Oooh, look at me, I'm a phony!" to me.

I mean, when you say my handwriting's egregious, it best be because you think egregious, not because you looked in the thesaurus under the entry 'bad'.

The irritatingly observant may notice the first entry in this blog coming nearly two years after it was created. Well I only created it then because 'Blog' made it to the most searched word on the net, and I didn't want to be left behind. But after I read some of the other compost that got bandied about online, it took me this long to recover and finally gain composure enough to post one.

Strictly for those who care, and for those interested among those who don't.